Slowing Down, Moving with Spirals, 12/11/2021
Playlist: Gentle Practices
1h 0m
As the weather gets colder, we slow down and notice what’s happening internally. We release and move the legs in order to free the pelvis/sitting bones. Class includes exploration of Gate, and traditional standing poses like W2 and Side Angle closer to the ground. Spirals of the body are emphasized in transitioning from one standing pose to another.
Up Next in Playlist: Gentle Practices
Grounded 12/4/2021
Class includes: gentle self-releases for the face and head, releasing and unwinding the legs with the help of a yoga strap (or scarf, belt, other similar prop), connecting to the ground to spiral and move up in a variety of poses, and exploration of balancing on one foot with the help of the strap.
Start Where You Are 1/1/2022
A leisurely practice that invites you to cultivate an awakened attention to the present moment and what’s truly happening in the external and internal environments. We spend time opening the front of the body and initiating movements from the back of the body (reversing the tendency to pull forwa...