Building Capacity 6/11/2022
Attune Yoga Long Practices
1h 2m
This practice* takes us back to some of the basic principles of Somatic Experiencing and Alexander Technique, interplaying into the movement practice. Coming back to these basics helps us develop greater nervous system regulation, resilience, and ultimately our overall capacity to handle day-to-day ups and downs. (I give some theoretical “top down” explanation during class but mostly I am aiming to give you a “bottom-up” experience of the principles). The centering portion of class focuses on using the eyes to orient and connect to the external and internal environments, one at a time and both together. We then layer in the AT principles of head-pelvis counterbalance and anchoring in the midline to inform yoga flows including: sun salute, gate, wide leg forward fold, chair, chair balance, and janu sirsasana variations. *Unfortunately there are technical difficulties and the video freezes intermittently; however the practice can still be followed. We will re-visit these concepts again in the future!
Up Next in Attune Yoga Long Practices
Welcome Summer Flow 6/4/2022
A practice inspired by summer but good anytime you’d like to reset and energize. We begin with constructive rest, aimed to reset the deep postural muscles throughout the body, and follow with alternate nostril breath, a pranayama form to balance the body and down regulate. During warm-up, we expl...
Listening, Learning 5/28/2022
When tuning into ourselves, we might tend to “direct over” what is surfacing in our moment-to-moment experience, whether that be trying to redirect an uncomfortable mental/emotional state or "direct over" what is in the body (summoning length instead of collapse, ease instead of constriction). Wh...
Strong Foundation, Rhythmic Ease 5/21...
In the first 10 minutes of class, a guided centering practice invites you to travel through the body, checking in along the way and taking small movements to soften. This part of the practice, as always, can be done as a standalone practice on days when you would like to spend a few minutes getti...