Finding Ease and Well-Being 3/1/2025
Centering practice invites exploration of the face and neck areas from different vantage points. We observe how balancing the head on the spine relates to the pelvis, sacrum and tailbone. Movement practice further frees the spine and includes various twist variations and pelvis/leg sequences. Pos...
Choice and Balance 2/15/2025
We begin our time together flipping through different “channels” of experience — noticing what’s happening inside, in the outer environment, emotionally, and in the larger context of our relational connections. Curiosity is encouraged rather than bearing down on any one element of attention. Mov...
Playing with Rhythm and Flow 2/1/2025
Centering practice focuses on somatic pendulation — moving attention from positive or neutral aspects of experience to less ideal aspects. Another way of thinking about this is to move attention from flow areas to fixed areas and back to flow, noticing the totality of the experience. This theme c...
Available to Move 1/4/2025
Class begins with constructive rest practice, micro movements to get settled and both internal/external orientation. Throughout our time together, we utilize rolling or rocking movements to invite groundedness and ease. Other themes include anchoring in the back body and balancing. Poses include:...
Support and Ease 12/21/2024
We begin in a seated position to orient and "organize" the body, before settling into constructive rest and centering practice. Throughout class, an invitation is put forth to notice your internal state of being, without judgment, and to use gentle awareness and touch to support the whole Self co...
Precision and Grace 12/7/2024
Thoughtfulness is a theme that runs throughout this class — thoughtfulness towards Self and connecting to the movement invitations. We begin by taking a pause in either constructive rest on the ground or seated in a chair. Warm-up includes swaying and wave-like motions of the arms and torso plus ...
Coherence and Ease 11/16/2024
This class begins with either seated or reclined settling and alignment. Curiosity is directed towards length from shoulder to hip one side and on the diagonals. The coherence in the torso can lead to the arms and legs being freer to move. Poses include: modified side plank, baby half moon, sun ...
Balance and Strength 11/2/2024
We begin with Constructive Rest, which includes detailed guidance around set up, noticing points of contact to the ground, and creating balanced length and width. The floor is a good place to begin to notice where our movement habits might take us out of balanced length and width. External awaren...
Open Heart, Steady Strength 10/19/2024
Class starts with a seated, guided meditation that includes set up instructions, settling, orienting and observing ourselves. We then do some body tracing to wake up sensory awareness. Warm-up includes expansive and flowing arm movements, twists, and seated cat-cow. Other poses throughout class i...
Support and Symmetry 9/7/2024
This is a gentle class that encourages returning to basic principles of settling the nervous system and moving with conscious attention. We focus on the four corners of the torso, being in the back line of the body, keeping midline stability, and how the arms move in relation to the torso. Poses...
Midline and Spirals 8/17/2024
We begin the practice by following the energy level you arrive with — starting on the ground if that feels appropriate or standing and exploring rhythmic movement if that matches better. Warm-up sequences have us back on the floor exploring releasing the legs from the pelvis, and slowly awakening...
Freeing the Spine and Torso 8/3/2024
Centering practice focuses on exploratory orienting and noticing how one responds to this invitation (sometimes it comes naturally and other times we may resist or need more time to come into the here and now). Class movement sequences focus on restoring spinal curves and loosening some of the mu...
Focus on Legs 7/20/2024
In this class, we focus on the relationship of the legs to the torso — specifically allowing the legs to release out of the torso and how this influences balance and coordinated movement. Movements and poses include: different variations of rolling side to side/spiraling, freeing the hip joint, i...
Freedom from the Top 7/6/2024
After settling and orienting, the opening sequence explores free head balance on the spine and attending to adjacent structures like the jaw, tongue, and eyes. We carry this exploration of free head balance through the practice to see how this influences coordinated movement. (Photo shows how hig...
Supported Spirals 6/1/2024
We begin with time for settling and centering, with information on breath coordination and experimenting with vocalization on the exhale. Movement sequences play with spiraling and twisting with support from the back line. Poses include: Tree, Revolved Stork Variation, Wide Leg FF, W2, Triangle, ...
Resourcing and Support 5/18/2024
Centering meditation includes guided Pausing and Directing as well as exploration of Resourcing. Movement sequences invite keeping the head on top of the spine, moving with length and width, and balance within poses. Poses include: Gate, Seated and Standing Wide Leg FF with variations, Twists, L...
Gentle Attunement 5/4/2024
In somatic practice, less is so often more. In this class, we touch into basic principles and details related to midline support, spirals, rhythm and balance. Seated centering practice includes a meditation of directed attention through the body. Poses include: Star, , Low Lunge with Twist, Spinx...
Back to Basics 4/20/2024
This hourlong practice focuses on basic yet powerful principles of the Alexander Technique and Yoga including: constructive rest practice to rejuvenate and support spinal health, gentle movements that take us from fixity and habit into more ease and freedom, and groundwork that invites balance be...
Arm Coordination 4/6/2024
The centering meditation invites orientation to the internal and external through present moment awareness. Thematically the class explores the use and integration of the arms** into movements including sitting, standing, and balancing. Poses include: W1 into Balancing, W2, Wide Leg Forward Fold...
Self-Compassion and Presence 3/16/2024
Centering practice invites orienting to the present moment and contemplating positive resources, and noticing what happens in our experience as a result. This class has a leisurely pace that invites continued orienting to the present moment along the way, which is a key component to resilience an...
Presence, Center, Balance 3/2/2024
We explore being in the “here and now” through invitational orienting and connecting with both our internal experience and external environment. How does your experience change when you attend to yourself in this way? There is an exploration of letting the head be free to move and the eyes to fol...
Fixity Into Flow 2/17/2024
Class begins in semi-supine with orienting, noticing any areas that might be fixed or braced, and inviting the possibility of softening. Movement sequences in this practice are gentle and often rhythmic. We explore: Cat/Cow, Forward Fold, Low Lunge with Twist, Warrior 1, 2 and 3, Wide Leg Fold, ...
Moving with Clarity and Curiosity 2/3/2024
Centering practice begins with freeing the arms and legs to allow more length and ease in the torso. Throughout the centering there is an invitation to deepen the quality of attention — noticing what is happening in the present moment, noticing the general versus the specific, and also identifyin...
Being In The Here and Now 1/20/2024
An easeful practice (with optional variations for strengthening) that invites you to arrive in the present moment and deepen the quality of your attention and movements. The opening sequence invites settling and centering as well as organizing the body into ease and self-support. Movement sequenc...