Support from AT Directions 9/25/2021
Attune Yoga Long Practices
1h 1m
This gentle, leisurely class begins with constructive rest, focusing on settling and noticing different sensations and energetics in the body. We transition to naming Alexander Technique directions and later referring to them throughout the practice. Directing in AT involves “sending a clear thought message from your brain to your muscles, via your neuromuscular system” (Dawley), and comes from a spacious place of non-doing/allowing. Visit this class to learn about or review these concepts, or if you would like a slower paced practice.
Up Next in Attune Yoga Long Practices
Exploring Hip Movement 9/18/2021
We explore extension and flexion of the hip as well as the relationship of leg movements to the pelvis and torso in general. You may need to turn up your volume to hear this class better, as there was unfortunately a technical difficulty with the microphone (fixed for future classes!).
Moving from a Suspended Spine 9/11/2021
We begin by locating a spinal length that goes up through the back of the head and down through the sacrum, and play with this oppositional dynamic throughout class, moving from a suspended spine. Poses include twisting lunge, Warrior 2, Reverse Warrior, Reverse Triangle, Triangle, and Chair Bal...
Turning, Revolving 9/4/2021
In this class we play with gentle turning and spirals for balanced movement patterning. Tone and tensegrity through the limbs create conditions for easier twisting. We begin with spiraling and twist patterns, and Thread the Needle. Exploration builds to include working with revolved versions of l...