Steady Flow 3/4/2023
Playlist: Building Strength & Capacity
A balanced class that invites gentle engagement of the whole body in coordinated movements. Poses include Gate, Side Plank, W2, Stork/Tree Balance variation, Wide Leg Fold Standing and Seated, Twists, and Side Body movements. Focus is placed on finding strength and flexibility along the outer seams of the body, including, legs, torso and arms.
Up Next in Playlist: Building Strength & Capacity
Cultivating Stability and Freedom 1/7...
Centering practice invites exploratory orienting both internally and externally. Movement sequences start with core awareness and using the pelvic crests and pubic bone as anchors for the pelvis. When the core is anchored, the arms and legs can find more freedom. Poses include gentle backbends, t...
Expanding Capacity 12/10/2022
Class begins by orienting both to the internal experience and the external environment. Which is more accessible? Can you travel from one to the other with your attention? And can the attention be friendly rather than judgmental? We also use the hands to offer support and awareness around the hip...
Stable Spine, Free Movement 7/9/2022
We begin in constructive rest orienting to a stable spine and healthy spinal curves. With torso stability, we can freely move the limbs without pulling on or compromising the head, neck and spine. Class sequences progressively build to include work with the torso and limbs in table, plank and dow...