Support and Symmetry 9/7/2024
Attune Yoga Long Practices
This is a gentle class that encourages returning to basic principles of settling the nervous system and moving with conscious attention. We focus on the four corners of the torso, being in the back line of the body, keeping midline stability, and how the arms move in relation to the torso. Poses include: Table with Leg Extension, Wide Leg Forward Fold, Stork variations, Blossoming Lotus.
Up Next in Attune Yoga Long Practices
Midline and Spirals 8/17/2024
We begin the practice by following the energy level you arrive with — starting on the ground if that feels appropriate or standing and exploring rhythmic movement if that matches better. Warm-up sequences have us back on the floor exploring releasing the legs from the pelvis, and slowly awakening...
Freeing the Spine and Torso 8/3/2024
Centering practice focuses on exploratory orienting and noticing how one responds to this invitation (sometimes it comes naturally and other times we may resist or need more time to come into the here and now). Class movement sequences focus on restoring spinal curves and loosening some of the mu...
Focus on Legs 7/20/2024
In this class, we focus on the relationship of the legs to the torso — specifically allowing the legs to release out of the torso and how this influences balance and coordinated movement. Movements and poses include: different variations of rolling side to side/spiraling, freeing the hip joint, i...