Low Back and Adrenal Support
Attune Movement Short Practices
This short practice creates time and space to down-regulate the nervous system and support the lower back and kidneys/adrenals. We end the practice with a few movement sequences that honor the energy and resiliency of this area. Props needed: a scarf, towel or lumbar pillow. Once you have learned the practice, hopefully it will be a sequence you can repeat on your own for self-care as needed with or without the video.
Up Next in Attune Movement Short Practices
Foot Care Practice
A short practice to awaken and tone the feet and lower legs, connect to the ground, and think about whole-body-use that supports health in the feet. Props needed: chair or stool to sit on, block a small rubber ball and a blanket or books for your head in semi-supine.
Somatic Tracking
This is a short centering and settling practice, great as a reset for any time of the day or in particular when you are feeling unsettled or uncomfortable in the body. Somatic tracking allows us to become more present to where there is both expansion and contraction in our experience, and to offe...
Centering Inside and Out
A short centering practice to start your day or use anytime you’d like to ground and regroup. We start the centering by becoming more aware externally, using the senses, and then explore internal cues or interoception. We then travel through key relationships in the body for ease and balance, and...