Practice for Rest 1/26/2025
This practice focuses on dropping into restorative and nourishing rest. Elements of the practice include guided set-up and intention-setting, orientation, and body scan — with silent intervals to drop into the experience of rest. Please note there is only video imagery of tranquil water for the f...
Finding Flow and Down Regulation 1/25/2025
A shorter practice for post-exercise or post-"busyness", where we start with movement (rather than stillness) that gently directs towards flow rather than rigidity or bracing, and ease rather than overefforting. Explorations include: freeing the joints, finding liveliness and rhythm, dynamic sid...
Releasing the Spine
A short sequence to release and refresh the spine. You will need a few props, which are discussed in the first minute of the video: a 4" diameter foam roll or a blanket/towel rolled up and 2 pillows or blocks for the arms.
Chair Yoga 9/21/2024
A short chair yoga practice to work through a range of healthy movements with the support of the chair. Good for when you would like a quick yoga break. Very special guest appearance about 7 minutes into the video! 🐱
Opening the Front Body and Hips 6/15/2024
In this short practice, we utilize the ground and optional props to open the front body, abdomen, and hips. We move through flexion, extension, and the side seams of the body.
Location: Find a space with carpet or flooring that allows you to slide your legs and spiral your body easily. Wearing ...
A simple and short practice, reclined on the back, that addresses the pelvis/hips and legs. This sequence invites a balance between strength and flexibility.
Gentle Movements Short Practice
Throughout the day either patterns of habitual movement or long periods of non-movement can create tension or fixity in the body and a related sense of discomfort or bracing. This short practice invites gentle movement and flow throughout the body. This can be a nice sequence to do for a break or...
Centering Practice
A short and comprehensive constructive rest practice that can be used to start your day or to regroup in the middle or at the end of the day. Gina reviews the benefits of constructive rest, and invites you to develop your mindfulness and interoception skills. Gravity and the ground support physio...
Low Back and Adrenal Support
This short practice creates time and space to down-regulate the nervous system and support the lower back and kidneys/adrenals. We end the practice with a few movement sequences that honor the energy and resiliency of this area. Props needed: a scarf, towel or lumbar pillow. Once you have learned...
Foot Care Practice
A short practice to awaken and tone the feet and lower legs, connect to the ground, and think about whole-body-use that supports health in the feet. Props needed: chair or stool to sit on, block a small rubber ball and a blanket or books for your head in semi-supine.
Somatic Tracking
This is a short centering and settling practice, great as a reset for any time of the day or in particular when you are feeling unsettled or uncomfortable in the body. Somatic tracking allows us to become more present to where there is both expansion and contraction in our experience, and to offe...
Centering Inside and Out
A short centering practice to start your day or use anytime you’d like to ground and regroup. We start the centering by becoming more aware externally, using the senses, and then explore internal cues or interoception. We then travel through key relationships in the body for ease and balance, and...
Continuous Flow 6/18/2022
We begin with a brief, seated meditation - exploring both interoception and exteroception, and how this small investment of our attention might invite a noticeable shift in our state of being. Poses include: supported lunge, lunging twist, lunge with spinal extension, sun salutes, crescent moon, ...
After Sitting Too Long
A short sequence of movements that you can do after you’ve been sitting in a chair for an extended period of time. Once you’re familiar with the movements, you can pick and choose from the ideas presented to take short breaks from your chair work or to improve your set up for comfort and support....
Morning Practice
An offering of movements you might do upon awakening, especially if you’ve had a night where you have been curled up in a ball or tossed and turned a bit. The aim is to get the spine moving and establish key relationships in the body before moving into your day. (The microphone is slightly obstru...
Chair Yoga
When you're short on time or wanting a yoga break, this practice explores several movements with the support of the chair. Poses include: joint warm-ups, cat/cow, twists, modified down dog and lunge, and supported rest. Please be sure to put your chair on a stable surface. For the down dog/lunge ...
Preparing for Sleep
A short practice to prepare for sleep or to unwind. Optional props: a chair to sit in for forward bending, blankets, blocks or pillows for support on the floor.
Rolling with Support
In this short practice, we use an exercise ball to support the spine and torso, working in flexion, side-bending, and extension of the spine. You may experience quite a deep release/groundedness! If you do not have an exercise ball, you can play with draping yourself over a large pillow, ottoman,...
A short practice to unwind and downregulate the nervous system. During this practice we work with orienting, directing activated energy, exploring spirals on the ground, and conclude with supported water wheel variations. Ideally you will have a rug or comfortable floor surface to practice on so ...
Inviting Tone and Strength
This practice is great if you have been working on building more strength but not wanting to overdo it or if you’re feeling a little collapsed or spacey and want to bring that sense of engagement into your body. We work through many aspects of tone and strength and ultimately contextualize streng...
Get Energy Moving
Whether you’re starting the day or needing an energy boost/re-set, this short practice invites movement and awakening energy in areas that might be braced, stuck or otherwise in need of flow.