Somatic Mini-Lessons and Tips

Somatic Mini-Lessons and Tips

5-10 minutes of educational information on how to move with more awareness, freedom and ease. Also includes technical information for particular poses or practices.

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Somatic Mini-Lessons and Tips
  • Foot Care Practice

    A short practice to awaken and tone the feet and lower legs, connect to the ground, and think about whole-body-use that supports health in the feet. Props needed: chair or stool to sit on, block a small rubber ball and a blanket or books for your head in semi-supine.

  • Tip: Shoulder-Arm Mapping

    Mapping how the ribs, shoulder blades, collarbones and arms relate to one another in movement. The skeleton is used to demonstrate and locate these anatomical features and then we practice the movement on ourselves.

  • After Sitting Too Long

    A short sequence of movements that you can do after you’ve been sitting in a chair for an extended period of time. Once you’re familiar with the movements, you can pick and choose from the ideas presented to take short breaks from your chair work or to improve your set up for comfort and support....

  • Constructive Rest Set-up

    Brief guidelines for setting up constructive rest practice. Please note that you may need a taller stack of books than the amount I use in the video. Everyone's head/neck is different -- needing less books is not a "goal" of any sort!

  • Restorative Yoga: Setting Up Reclined Armchair Pose

    "Restorative yoga poses help us learn to rest deeply and completely." - Judith Laseter
    Whether you have traditional yoga props or are improvising with household items, learn how to set up this deeply restful restorative yoga pose, especially helpful when you are feeling very fatigued. Yoga props:...

  • Bend to the Ground with Ease

    Gina reviews some Alexander Technique principles in this video that might help you with your spring gardening, flower picking or generally bending down in every day life.