Regulation and Flow 2/12/2022
Attune Yoga Long Practices
1h 2m
While centering and settling, guidance is offered for identifying what state your nervous system is in as you arrive for the practice. Are you settled and curious, anxious or activated, or feeling somewhat shut down or immobile? By allowing time for this noticing and acknowledging, we invite a natural unfolding in the nervous system towards ebb and flow (concurrent with safe containment) in the body. Movement sequences support these opening themes - including allowing the arms and legs to spiral and release out into the surrounding space. Poses include: child’s pose, lunge variations, revolved stork variation, seated wide leg forward fold, and supine hip openers.
Up Next in Attune Yoga Long Practices
Releasing the Lower Leg and Foot 2/5/...
Both a simple and invigorating practice, we start as always by centering and taking time to arrive. A few suggestions are offered for containing and down regulating the nervous system. The main class theme involves freeing the shin/ankle connection along with attention to movement of the ribs, qu...
Bouncing, Balancing 1/29/2022
We begin by creating space for presence and attention, and then transition into movement sequences exploring length, rib movement, twisting and spiraling. We also explore in this class using the ground to playfully and easily propel and bounce from side to side, foot to foot. Poses include: threa...
Exploring the Shoulders 1/22/2022
The opening centering practice includes two Somatic Experiencing® exercises for settling the nervous system — a container embrace and Voo breath. Class focuses on freeing the shoulder blades for integrated arm movements and quieting unnecessary shoulder lifting in relation to both the use of the ...