Opening the Front Body and Hips 6/15/2024
Attune Movement Short Practices
In this short practice, we utilize the ground and optional props to open the front body, abdomen, and hips. We move through flexion, extension, and the side seams of the body.
Location: Find a space with carpet or flooring that allows you to slide your legs and spiral your body easily. Wearing socks or laying a blanket over a yoga mat if on the floor may help.
Optional props: small round bolster (or two blankets/towels rolled into a bolster), 2 blocks or couch pillows, a belt, yoga strap or scarf, 1 or 2 additional blankets or towels to use for padding or head support. It’s possible to do this practice with very few props too!
Up Next in Attune Movement Short Practices
A simple and short practice, reclined on the back, that addresses the pelvis/hips and legs. This sequence invites a balance between strength and flexibility.
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