Grounding for Support 10/7/2023
Playlist: Building Strength & Capacity
1h 1m
We begin taking time to settle and orient through the nervous system and senses. What changes in the internal experience as we take this time and space for ourselves? Throughout the movement practice, focus is placed on feeling the lower body (pelvis, legs and feet) and connecting to the ground. Poses include: Star with Cat/Cow, Baby Half Moon, Heart Opening Pose (Dropped Table), Happy Baby Variations, Goddess, Twists, and Half Moon.
Up Next in Playlist: Building Strength & Capacity
Support and Strength 8/5/2023
The opening practice invites arriving, settling and orienting with attention to the supportive space around the heart center. Warm-up sequences take place on the floor to invite support and awareness from the ground. We then transition into various flowing sequences that open the window to challe...
Possibilities with Balance 6/3/2023
A well-rounded class that begins with centering through the senses, transitioning into warm-ups and various flow explorations. In the middle of class, we play with balance from many vantage points, making this a potentially useful practice for you to cultivate more ease in this area. Class poses ...
Connecting with Back Strength 5/20/2023
During the centering practice, focus is placed on resting into ground support for the back body. We also experiment with placing hands to offer support, safety, and self-regulation. Class moves from the ground up to emphasize lengthening and drawing from the back body for support and strength. Po...