Resourcing and Support 5/18/2024
Playlist: Gentle Practices
1h 2m
Centering meditation includes guided Pausing and Directing as well as exploration of Resourcing. Movement sequences invite keeping the head on top of the spine, moving with length and width, and balance within poses. Poses include: Gate, Seated and Standing Wide Leg FF with variations, Twists, Lunge with Arm Pendulums, W3.
Up Next in Playlist: Gentle Practices
Gentle Attunement 5/4/2024
In somatic practice, less is so often more. In this class, we touch into basic principles and details related to midline support, spirals, rhythm and balance. Seated centering practice includes a meditation of directed attention through the body. Poses include: Star, , Low Lunge with Twist, Spinx...
Back to Basics 4/20/2024
This hourlong practice focuses on basic yet powerful principles of the Alexander Technique and Yoga including: constructive rest practice to rejuvenate and support spinal health, gentle movements that take us from fixity and habit into more ease and freedom, and groundwork that invites balance be...
Self-Compassion and Presence 3/16/2024
Centering practice invites orienting to the present moment and contemplating positive resources, and noticing what happens in our experience as a result. This class has a leisurely pace that invites continued orienting to the present moment along the way, which is a key component to resilience an...