Freedom from the Top 7/6/2024
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1h 0m
After settling and orienting, the opening sequence explores free head balance on the spine and attending to adjacent structures like the jaw, tongue, and eyes. We carry this exploration of free head balance through the practice to see how this influences coordinated movement. (Photo shows how high the top joint of the spine is -- around the corner from the nose tip and ears). Poses include: Low Lunge, Tree, W2, Triangle, Head to Knee, Butterfly, and various movement sequences to explore inner and outer lines of the legs.
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Opening the Front Body and Hips 6/15/...
In this short practice, we utilize the ground and optional props to open the front body, abdomen, and hips. We move through flexion, extension, and the side seams of the body.
Location: Find a space with carpet or flooring that allows you to slide your legs and spiral your body easily. Wearing ...
Supported Spirals 6/1/2024
We begin with time for settling and centering, with information on breath coordination and experimenting with vocalization on the exhale. Movement sequences play with spiraling and twisting with support from the back line. Poses include: Tree, Revolved Stork Variation, Wide Leg FF, W2, Triangle, ...
Somatic Tracking
This is a short centering and settling practice, great as a reset for any time of the day or in particular when you are feeling unsettled or uncomfortable in the body. Somatic tracking allows us to become more present to where there is both expansion and contraction in our experience, and to offe...