Arm Coordination 4/6/2024
Playlist: Building Strength & Capacity
The centering meditation invites orientation to the internal and external through present moment awareness. Thematically the class explores the use and integration of the arms** into movements including sitting, standing, and balancing. Poses include: W1 into Balancing, W2, Wide Leg Forward Fold, Triangle, Reclined Pigeon, Sphinx, Seated Twists. **Inspired by Alexander Technique teacher Rose Bronec and developmental movement principles.
Up Next in Playlist: Building Strength & Capacity
Moving with Clarity and Curiosity 2/3...
Centering practice begins with freeing the arms and legs to allow more length and ease in the torso. Throughout the centering there is an invitation to deepen the quality of attention — noticing what is happening in the present moment, noticing the general versus the specific, and also identifyin...
Grounding for Support 10/7/2023
We begin taking time to settle and orient through the nervous system and senses. What changes in the internal experience as we take this time and space for ourselves? Throughout the movement practice, focus is placed on feeling the lower body (pelvis, legs and feet) and connecting to the ground. ...
Support and Strength 8/5/2023
The opening practice invites arriving, settling and orienting with attention to the supportive space around the heart center. Warm-up sequences take place on the floor to invite support and awareness from the ground. We then transition into various flowing sequences that open the window to challe...