Open and Grounded 11/4/2023
Attune Yoga Long Practices
A balanced practice that emphasizes freeing the neck and shoulders while grounding through the pelvis and legs. A portion of the practice is devoted to opening the front of the body and moving into gentle backbends (to counter slumping or flexion in day-to-day activities). Movements and poses include: Side Plank, Sun Salute, Camel Variations, Wide Leg Forward Fold, Triangle, Extended Side Angle, Balance and Push-Off into Warrior 3, and a floor sequence for the legs. We conclude with a 3-2-1 orienting exercise.
Up Next in Attune Yoga Long Practices
Freeing the Neck and Shoulders 10/21/...
We explore indirect principles such as connecting to the ground through the lower body to support the neck and shoulders. Additionally there is direct attention to the structures and tissues around the head, neck and shoulders. Centering meditation includes grounding, freeing the head weight off ...
Grounding for Support 10/7/2023
We begin taking time to settle and orient through the nervous system and senses. What changes in the internal experience as we take this time and space for ourselves? Throughout the movement practice, focus is placed on feeling the lower body (pelvis, legs and feet) and connecting to the ground. ...
Head-Pelvis-Spine Integration 9/2/2023
The practice begins with centering and somatic tracking, noticing what’s happening in ourselves and in our environment — without judgment or expectations of change. How does allowing what's Present create Ease? The movement practice explores the interrelatedness of the head, pelvis and spine — fi...