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  • Resourcing and Support 5/18/2024

    Centering meditation includes guided Pausing and Directing as well as exploration of Resourcing. Movement sequences invite keeping the head on top of the spine, moving with length and width, and balance within poses. Poses include: Gate, Seated and Standing Wide Leg FF with variations, Twists, L...

  • Gentle Attunement 5/4/2024

    In somatic practice, less is so often more. In this class, we touch into basic principles and details related to midline support, spirals, rhythm and balance. Seated centering practice includes a meditation of directed attention through the body. Poses include: Star, , Low Lunge with Twist, Spinx...

  • Back to Basics 4/20/2024

    This hourlong practice focuses on basic yet powerful principles of the Alexander Technique and Yoga including: constructive rest practice to rejuvenate and support spinal health, gentle movements that take us from fixity and habit into more ease and freedom, and groundwork that invites balance be...

  • Arm Coordination 4/6/2024

    The centering meditation invites orientation to the internal and external through present moment awareness. Thematically the class explores the use and integration of the arms** into movements including sitting, standing, and balancing. Poses include: W1 into Balancing, W2, Wide Leg Forward Fold...

  • Self-Compassion and Presence 3/16/2024

    Centering practice invites orienting to the present moment and contemplating positive resources, and noticing what happens in our experience as a result. This class has a leisurely pace that invites continued orienting to the present moment along the way, which is a key component to resilience an...

  • Presence, Center, Balance 3/2/2024

    We explore being in the “here and now” through invitational orienting and connecting with both our internal experience and external environment. How does your experience change when you attend to yourself in this way? There is an exploration of letting the head be free to move and the eyes to fol...

  • Fixity Into Flow 2/17/2024

    Class begins in semi-supine with orienting, noticing any areas that might be fixed or braced, and inviting the possibility of softening. Movement sequences in this practice are gentle and often rhythmic. We explore: Cat/Cow, Forward Fold, Low Lunge with Twist, Warrior 1, 2 and 3, Wide Leg Fold, ...

  • Moving with Clarity and Curiosity 2/3/2024

    Centering practice begins with freeing the arms and legs to allow more length and ease in the torso. Throughout the centering there is an invitation to deepen the quality of attention — noticing what is happening in the present moment, noticing the general versus the specific, and also identifyin...

  • Being In The Here and Now 1/20/2024

    An easeful practice (with optional variations for strengthening) that invites you to arrive in the present moment and deepen the quality of your attention and movements. The opening sequence invites settling and centering as well as organizing the body into ease and self-support. Movement sequenc...

  • Connection and Rhythm 1/6/2024

    A gentle somatic practice to begin the new year, we spend a lot of time on the floor in order to connect to the ground and connect to a sense of pattern, rhythm and ease within. Movement sequences build on each other, and explore flexion and extension of the spine from different vantage points, l...

  • Presence, Resource, Flow 12/2/2023

    We begin class with Somatic Experiencing Orienting, noticing what happens when we come into the present moment with our attention and curiosity. We also spend time tapping into what resources our system and noticing the present-moment effects of calling on resource and allowing support. Movement ...

  • Somatic Tracking

    This is a short centering and settling practice, great as a reset for any time of the day or in particular when you are feeling unsettled or uncomfortable in the body. Somatic tracking allows us to become more present to where there is both expansion and contraction in our experience, and to offe...

  • Centering Inside and Out

    A short centering practice to start your day or use anytime you’d like to ground and regroup. We start the centering by becoming more aware externally, using the senses, and then explore internal cues or interoception. We then travel through key relationships in the body for ease and balance, and...