Playlist: Energize and Expand

Playlist: Energize and Expand

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Playlist: Energize and Expand
  • Low Back and Adrenal Support

    This short practice creates time and space to down-regulate the nervous system and support the lower back and kidneys/adrenals. We end the practice with a few movement sequences that honor the energy and resiliency of this area. Props needed: a scarf, towel or lumbar pillow. Once you have learned...

  • Finding Whole-Body Support 4/15/2023

    The centering practice invites a curiosity about what’s happening on the inside and the outside (in the body and in the external space). Does your attention go to potential “problem spots” first or to positive associations first? We also organize the body using Alexander directions and relationsh...

  • Support and Spaciousness 4/1/2023

    We begin class with a centering meditation, connecting into exploratory orienting and a pendulation exercise. Movement sequences focus on strengthening the lateral line of the leg and using the back of the body to support movement of the whole, especially the arms. Poses include: various rhythmic...

  • Exploring the Side Line 3/18/2023

    Class begins with a few minutes of silence and an invitation to rest in the silence — either through inner or outer orientation. During the warm-up sequences, we notice the movement of the ribs, clavicles and shoulder blades and in particular how the body side bends with changes in the ribs and...

  • Opening Around the Diaphragm 2/4/2023

    This upbeat practice invites gentle movement of energy, warmth and flow. The centering practice begins with review of setting up for constructive rest. The rest of class focuses thematically on freedom around the dorsal hinge and diaphragm, as well as creating space and width in the arms and pelv...

  • Welcoming Fresh Intentions 12/31/2022

    Filmed on New Year’s Eve, this practice is good for year-end or anytime you are in transition. Centering meditation and other moments in the practice invite you to notice what has been resourcing and nourishing to you, what has completed or no longer serves and what new intentions might be welcom...

  • Open Heart, Wide Shoulders

  • Welcome Summer Flow 6/4/2022

    A practice inspired by summer but good anytime you’d like to reset and energize. We begin with constructive rest, aimed to reset the deep postural muscles throughout the body, and follow with alternate nostril breath, a pranayama form to balance the body and down regulate. During warm-up, we expl...

  • Get Energy Moving

    Whether you’re starting the day or needing an energy boost/re-set, this short practice invites movement and awakening energy in areas that might be braced, stuck or otherwise in need of flow.

  • Strong Foundation, Rhythmic Ease 5/21/2022

    In the first 10 minutes of class, a guided centering practice invites you to travel through the body, checking in along the way and taking small movements to soften. This part of the practice, as always, can be done as a standalone practice on days when you would like to spend a few minutes getti...

  • Rhythm and Wholeness 10/22/2022

    This class invites the use of gentle rhythmic movements and attention to the whole body as a way of creating ease or regulation in the parts. This is an alternative to zooming in on the ‘part’ that might be tight or uncomfortable. By focusing on a whole pattern harmony, the part might find its vi...

  • Turning, Revolving 9/4/2021

    In this class we play with gentle turning and spirals for balanced movement patterning. Tone and tensegrity through the limbs create conditions for easier twisting. We begin with spiraling and twist patterns, and Thread the Needle. Exploration builds to include working with revolved versions of l...

  • Ebb and Flow 7/3/2021

    In this class, we explore stepping into the flowing nature of movement, and what it means to be curious about the flow (instead of forcing movements or expression). Emphasis is also placed on the role of the pelvis and sacrum in supporting the areas of the body above such as head, neck and arms.

  • Continuous Flow 6/18/2022

    We begin with a brief, seated meditation - exploring both interoception and exteroception, and how this small investment of our attention might invite a noticeable shift in our state of being. Poses include: supported lunge, lunging twist, lunge with spinal extension, sun salutes, crescent moon, ...

  • Moving, Energizing 11/26/2022

    A straightforward practice to get the body moving and to nourish and stimulate digestion. Poses include: various twists including Thread the Needle, hip openers with pumping movements to awaken the abdominal area, Goddess, Warrior 1, Pyramid, Warrior 3, Revolved Head to Knee Pose, As always, we u...